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What Can DM Hub do?

1.What Can DM Hub do?

As a corporate digital marketing hub, DM Hub is positioned as an integrated marketing cloud and combined with the Convertlab "DIA" time methodology framework. DM Hub improves the quality and efficiency of customer service, and is also used to promote internal capacity building and the establishment of standard service system, and eventually form an enterprise's own data-driven growth system.

DIA(Digitalization, Insight, Action): The overall framework of enterprise data-driven growth.

PSI(Profiling, Scoping, Implementation): Business value and scenario-oriented methods for internal sales and solution.

3A(Analysis, Action, Agility): Agile marketing operation method.


From industry perspective, the use of DM Hub products in different industries can optimize or reshape the original experience of marketing, sales, and service. The pan-industry is summarized as high-priced low-frequency, medium-priced high-frequency, and low-priced high-frequency. DM Hub integrates marketing-sales funnel, customer journey & customer life cycle value into products, and provides business-driven product usage scenarios for enterprises.


From business perspective, DM Hub can provide complete Data-Insight-Action closed-loop product experience support for business scenarios such as corporate marketing, customer operations, business data analysis, sales enablement/collaboration, and service experience.

  • Achieve Precise Marketing for Marketers

DM Hub has the ability to communicate and reach customers across enterprise’s all channels, and can automatically record customer interaction data from touch points;

efficiently create marketing content and materials that fit the communication channels;

filter precise customer groups through customer portrait and tags to master customers preference and characteristics.

  • Realize Acquisition-Retention-Activation-Conversion-Loyalty for Customer Operations Staffs

Fully grasp the distribution of enterprise customer life cycle stages and customer profile insights;

design and create an automated communication strategy for the ideal customer life cycle of customers;

create and execute marketing activities based on customer profile characteristics and business operation needs, and use data science to carry out attribution analysis and result evaluation;

  • Empower Sales and Service Personnel, and Improve Work Efficiency and Service Quality

Synchronize the customer profile data collected and processed from all channels to the employees of the company to provide better services;

to connect the front, middle and back links of acquisition and cultivation process;

  • Provide Better Data Analysis Tool for Data Analysts to Conduct Full Dimension Business Analysis.

Customer profile and behavior analysis tools to evaluate customer composition, activeness, acquisition-retention-activation effects;

evaluate business conversion-related transactions and e-commerce operation data;

evaluate marketing activity process, conversion funnel, and attribution analysis of activity result;