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Version: English



The properties are customer properties. Customer properties and customer behavior (that is, events generated by customers) are the most basic customer data recorded by DM Hub, through which customers can be effectively profiled and analyzed.

Customer properties are relatively fixed information of customers, such as name, gender, age, city, etc. These information basically have only one unique value, and customer property information is displayed in the customer details.


There are some default customer properties in DM Hub, such as name, gender, mobile phone number, email, etc., and customer information can be directly stored in these fields. The system also supports the creation of custom customer properties for storing other customer information. The storage method and application method of custom customer properties and default customer properties are the same, and will be displayed in customer details.

2.Attribute settings

Enter [Setting Center-Properties] to set the customer properties.


2.1Basic operation of attribute setting

In customer property setting interface, the left side is the preview of the customer properties on the customer details page, and the right side, operations such as creating, deleting, and searching customer properties can be performed.


  • he blue label is the default customer properties, which cannot be deleted, and the property name, type, and ID cannot be modified
  • ID The orange label is a custom customer properties, which can be deleted and the property name can be modified. The property type and ID cannot be modified


2.1.1Frequently and non-Frequently Used Properties

Customer properties are divided into Frequently and non-Frequently Used properties. In the customer details, the frequently used properties will be displayed directly, and the non-Frequently Used properties will be collapsed into [Show more properties], which need to be viewed by clicking [expand].


Click the star button to set the customer properties as frequently used or non-frequently used


2.1.2Adjusting Property Display Order

Drag customer property to adjust the display order of properties on the customer details page


2.1.3Delating Properties

Only custom customer properties can be deleted, and the system will prompt confirmation information when operating deletion. Click [OK] to confirm deletion.


After deletion, the customer data originally stored in these properties will also be deleted and cannot be restored. Please operate with caution.


2.2Custom Customer Properties

In addition to the default customer properties, custom customer properties can be created. There are different types of custom customer properties, and each are limited to different numbers. 80 for text types, 20 for numeric types, 20 for date and time types.

2.2.1Customer Properties Composition

Customer properties consist of the following parts:


  • Property Name:Name for the customer property
  • Property ID:The ID for the customer property, used when docking with other system. Default customer properties have default ID, new ID will be generated for custom customer properties.
  • Property Type:Different types can be built in different quantities. The corresponding property type needs to be selected according to the type of data that is going to be stored. Different property types have different filter conditions in the system
    • o Text Type: Store text type data, such as name, city, company name, etc. The filter conditions in the system can be selected "contains, does not contain, equals to, does not equal to", et.
      • Selectable Item: Selectable Item can be added for text type properties. Click and set selectable item to enable dropdown box for selection when editing customer properties when editing in customer details without inputting manually. User can choose between [Name only] and [Name and ID]. If set as [Name and ID], system will directly display the corresponding name when transferring properties through API.
    • o Numerical value type: store data of numerical value type, such as the number of people in the company, the total purchase amount in the past 30 days, age, etc. The filter conditions in the system can be selected as "greater than, equal to, less than, range between", etc.
    • o Date and time type: store date or date and time type data, such as birthday, member registration time, etc., the filter conditions in the system can choose between "specific date, year equals to, month equals to, time between", etc.
  • Read-only:If set as [Read-only], user cannot modify customer properties in the customer details, or batches modification in groups and advanced filtering.

2.2.2Creating Custom Customer Properties

Click [New], select the required property type, define the property name, complete other information, and click [OK] to complete the creation.


3.Record and Update Property Value

After the property field is set, the property value can be recorded or updated to the customer properties in various forms.

3.1File Import Property Value

DM Hub supports importing customers, and customer properties together through uploading file. If the customer already exists in the system, the customer properties can be updated. The specific operation can be seen in the relevant instructions for importing customer.


3.2Property Value Submit Through Form

The form function in DM Hub can collect customer information. If customer properties are added to the form as fields, the system will directly update customer properties after the submission. Specific operations can be found in the relevant instructions of the form function.


3.3Groups, Advance Filtering and Batch Modification of Property Values

Customers can be modified in batches, in groups and through advanced filtering, and customer attributes can be modified in batches. For specific operations, see the related instructions of the group and the customer.


3.4Property Mortification Through Auto-Flow

The Cutomer properties can be modified through auto-flow, and the specific operations can be found in the relevant instructions of the auto-flow process.


3.5Manually modified in Customer Details

Users can manually modify customer properties in the customer details interface.


3.6Import Customer Properties Through Data Docking

The open API interface can be used to import customer properties values during data docking. For details, please refer to the API document: pathname:///../api-docs/v2/restapi/customer-meta#%E5%AE%A2%E6%88%B7%E5%B1%9E%E6%80%A7%E5%85%83%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE

4.Application of Customer Properties

4.1Application in Advanced Filtering

Customer properties can be used as filtering criteria in advanced filtering.


4.2Application in Auto-Flow

The change of customer properties can be selected as the triggering condition of the auto-flow process.


In auto-flow, system can set different customers to enter different action branch by determining the properties of customers.


4.3Application in Analysis Center

In the analysis center, customer properties can be used as an analysis dimension in both customer analysis and behavior analysis.
