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Store Management

Enterprise with offline stores often organize instore marketing campaign or online marketing campaign that linked to offline.

Store can be created in DM Hub and store data can be associated with functions including Marketing Campaign, WeChat Page, etc. Customer can see offline store location and information while visiting a WeChat Page

Attention: Store function is not a default function. Please contact Convertlab Account Manager to apply for activation. Attention: The store data in [Interation – Store Management] in this module is different from the data in [Interaction – WeChat Official Account – Coupons].

1. Creating a Store

Click [Interaction – Store Management] to enter store list, click create new store at the upper right corner.


1.1 Store Basic Information

Store basic information configuration as follow:

  • Merchant Name:The prefix to be displayed while visited by customer, recommend to use store brand name

  • Store ID:Custom store ID. Cannot be changed after being created

  • Store Name:the suffix of the store name to be displayed while visited by customer. Recommend to use store location abbreviation or code. Ex. Shanghai Ganghui Store, Shanghai 005 Store.

  • Address:Fill in store’s province, city, and district.

  • Annotations:Detailed address. By searching annotation, system will automatically mark the latitude and longitude information on the map.

  • Category:Choose store category from the drop-down box

  • Introduction: Non-necessary, can fill in description of the store (within 300 words)


1.2 Store Service Information

Store service information configuration as follow:

  • Store Picture: Recommend to upload multiple store picture to show the store. Recommend ratio 1:1, size within 1M.

  • Phone: Contact number of the store.

  • Price per person: average spending per person, non-necessary.

  • Business Hours: Store business hours, non-necessary.

  • Recommend: Recommended item or service, non-necessary.

  • Special: Store specialty, non-necessary.


After setting up store information, click Submit to Review for validation.

2. Store Management

Store created can be checked in Store List, store Name, Sid, store address, create person/create time and Operator (Copy, Edit, Delate) will be displayed.

To move store(s) to a group, select store(s) and click [Move to group] at the top.

Group can be managed, created, delated, and edited at the left. Only first-level grouping is supported currently. Recommend to establish group by geographic or category.


3. Store Group Management

In additional to adding store to a store management group, DM Hub also supports creating store group. In scenario where stores of different geographic regions and categories jointly participate in a certain marketing campaign, the participating stores may not be in the same group. Store group can be created to associate stores to a marketing campaign without affecting store management group.

Click [Interaction – Store Management – Store Group], click [New] at the upper right conner to create new store group. Configuration as follow:

  • Name: Name of the store group, use to be identified in DM Hub.

  • Comment: Description of the store group.

  • Add stores: supports uploading or maual selection

    • Batch upload: Download file template, edit file and upload Sid, click upload file.

    • Manual selection: Search and select through store name.

  • Related Campaign: Non-necessary, stores associated to a marketing campaign can be seen after setting or being selected automatically through marketing campaign.


4. Store and Store Group Application Scenarios

Store and store group can be applicated in WeChat Page and Form function.

4.1 Store Application in WeChat Page

Select [Store] in WeChat Page module, click [Edit Store] and choose [Show Store].


If Partial Store is selected, system will match the store group associated under the marketing campaign that the WeChat page is linked to.


Customer’s geographic location will be requested by the system while they visit a WeChat Page that contain a store module under WeChat environment. After being authorized, [Store] module will be changed to pre-set store. Navigation to store will be opened in map if clicked on the store.

4.2 Store Application in Form Module

Choose “Search and choose close store” for text questions while editing a form, the field will automatically change to “Choose Close store”. All store or Partial Store (Store Group) can be set.


When customer visit a WeChat Page under WeChat environment that contains a form with store related field, system will request to acquire customer’s geographic location, customer cannot visit the page is denied authorize. After acquiring customer’s geographic location, click [choose close. Store] button, distance between customer and set store will be displayed in a pop-up window.
