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Repurchase analysis


Repurchase analysis is the analysis for repurchase orders except the first purchase, including two types of analysis: repurchase rate and repurchase cycle. Repurchase rates are divided into two types: customer repurchase rate and order repurchase rate.

  • Customer repurchase rate = in unit time: the number of customers who have purchased twice or more / the total number of customers who have purchased
  • Order repurchase rate = in unit time: the number of orders purchased by the customer for the second time and above/total number of orders

The higher the repurchase rate, the more customers repurchases and the more loyal to the brand. The repurchase cycle analysis shows the distribution of the average buying cycle of a customer. The shorter the repurchase cycle, the more active the customer.

2.How to conduct a repurchase ansalysis

2.1Restrict analyzing group


Select a group or add filter conditions to restrict the analyzing group. As shown in the figure below, the group is containing all the members who are currently following the WeChat official account.


2.2Analysis of repurchase rate

Choose the repurchase rate or repurchase cycle. As mentioned before, there are two types of repurchase rates: customer repurchase rate and order repurchase rate.


2.2.1Set analysis indexes

The analysis index corresponding to the repurchase rate include customer attributes, goods’ information, order information, receipt information, and statistical information. For example, to analyze the influence of different cities on the repurchase rate, select customer attribute-city in the index column; likewise , to analyze the repurchase rate of different stores, select order information-store name.

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2.2.2Set analysis time range

Relative time and absolute time can be chosen for analysis, and then choose frequency : by day, week, month, quarter or by year.


2.2.3Limit order attributes

Limit order attributes by setting product information, order information, receipt information, and statistical information.


2.2.4Scenario example of repurchase rate analysis

Check the repurchase rate of online payment orders by month in Q4 quarter from October 1st to December 31st, 2020 in each sales channel.

  • Analysis type: repurchase rate.
  • Analysis index:order information-sales channels.
  • Analysis time range:absolute time, 2020-10-01~2020-12-31, by month;
  • Settings:order attributes-order information / payment method-not equal to cash.

Customer repurchase rate = in unit time, the number of customers who have purchased twice or more / the total number of customers who have purchased.


Order repurchase rate = in unit time: the number of orders purchased by the customer for the second time and above/total number of orders.


2.3Analysis of Repurchase Cycle

Repurchase cycle analysis is to demonstrate the distribution of customers’ average purchase cycle. Select the analysis group and the time period, then view the customer repurchase cycle. The analysis is calculated based on the average repurchase cycle of customers. Therefore, in each repurchase cycle, there will be customers with different purchase frequencies.

In the repurchase cycle analysis, not only the number of customers in the repurchase cycle, the number of orders, the order amount and other indexes can be analyzed, but also the proportion of the number of people buying frequency under each different repurchase cycle can be shown in detail. According to the proportion, the time distribution of repurchase among different frequency groups is also be analyzed.

  • Firstly, set the repurchase cycle interval, as shown in the following figure:

Set the repurchase interval as 30-day and the number of intervals is 3. The non-repurchase, 0-30, 30-60, >60 will be displayed to show the average repurchase cycle of the customer.

  • Select the required analysis dimensions, analysis time range, and order attribute restrictions to analyze the repurchase cycle. For details, please refer to the above process instructions.
