Viral Marketing Tool
1. About Viral Marketing Tool
Just like employee referral plan, viral marketing tool is useful in rapid new fans and customer recruiment, brand or materials propagation.
2. Use Cases
Viral marketing tool is quite easy to get started. The activity can be setup with the following steps: set goals, awarding rules of the activity, then distribute the corresponding materials to target users by generating user specific materials, and then these users can further distribute his own material to his audience.
3. Functional Introduction
Launch the tool by clicking through 【Marketing】-【Marketing Apps】—【Viral Marketing】. Choose the WeChat account to be used by swiching the WeChat account list on top-left corner of the page.
Note: Once the WeChat account is selected, all the newly created campaigns are bound to this account. Please be aware of this.
4. Conceptual Introduction
The results of all the content under referring is displayed on the activity details page.
【Activity In Process】:the number of in-process materials under this activity.
【New Fans of Today】:Total number of new fans recruited today with all the materials.
【New Fans in Total】:Number of total fans recruited since the start of this activity.
【Title】:Clicking on the title to get the QRCode for participants and view the performance of this activity.
【No. of Participants】:The total number of participants of this activity.
【Performance】:The records of this activity.
【Status】:Indicating the current status: not started, in process or finished.
【Qrcode】:Download the posters with qrcode and distribute to participants.
【Delete】:Physically delete the materials of this activity.
5. New Activity
Open the activity setting page by clicking on the New button on top-right.
5.1 Materials Setting
【Activity Title】:Set the title of this activity.
【Marketing Campaign】:Select the marketing campaign to be related to this viral marketing activity.
【Period】:The valid period of this campaign.
【External Page】:Choose the events to be recorded when the activity is targeted at an external page.
【Poster & QRcode】:A poster with QRCode is generated when background images are uploaded. The participants will get poster with random background if more than more images are available.
Note:If the referral target is micro app, please setup the micro app beforehand. Please refter to Micro App Monitoring for details.5.2 Activity Types
【WeChat Account】:Mainly for new fans recruiment. Users can subscribe to this WeChat acount by scanning the qrcode of this activity.
【Micro Page】:Every participant can get his specific poster by scanning the qrcode on the poster. When distributed to the audience of one participant, the audience can also participate by scanning the qrcode on the poster of this participant.
【Miniprogram】:To used WeChat miniprogram as activity target, it's required to bind the miniprogram to DM Hub, and tracking script should be integrated if use miniprogram related events as activity KPI.
【External Page】:To propagate an external page, and use the events generated on this page to calculate the KPI, such as click a link, or place an order, etc., please make sure the tracking script is integrated on this page, and the events generated are well received in DM Hub.
5.3 Referrer Settings
Choose the material type for a participant, the types includes: qrcode, text, micro page, external page.
5.4 Activity KPI
The statistical KPI varies with each material type.
【WeChat Account】:Statistics index only includes Scanning and Subscription.
【Micro Page】:For pages without forms, the index only includes: Openning Page, Scanning and Subscription.
For pages with forms, an additional index is included: Submitting Form.
It's also possible to send notification to participant when his records hit some threshold.
6. Settings for Referrer
The WeChat account will reply a specific QRcode to a participate after he scans the original qrcode downloaded from DM Hub. Meanwhile it's possible to send text, micro page, external or external page along with the QRCode as suplimentary description of the activity.
7. Records and Results
It is possible to notify a participant of his records with WeChat template message.
The notification template message can be configured according to the activity type and its corresponding index. For WeChat account, two KPI are available for choice: Number of Scanning and Number of Subscription.
As shown in the graph above, notification is triggered for every 1 point change of the total record. For instance, a participant has one new subscriber from his QRCode, his total record is increased by 1 point, and this change will trigger the notification. For another new subscriber, a new notification will be triggered.
Note:If you choose to send the notification only once, notification is sent only on the first trigger. No notification for the subdequent triggering.The settings for this activity is completed after setting the notification and saving.
Note:The [Message Management] authorization of WeChat account is required to send WeChat message.