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Questionnaire Star (WenJuanXing)( is a form-making tool with powerful functions and various form templates, which can meet various business scenarios of forms. Through integration with the WenJuanXing, the information submitted by the customer in the WenJuanXing form can be synchronized to the DM Hub in real time, and the corresponding customer records in the DM Hub can be updated.

Note: + The free version of the WenJuanXing account does not support the function of transferring data to a third-party platform and only a questionnaire star exclusive version account can access the DM Hub. + DM Hub does not support the storage of special form data in the WenJuanXing, and only synchronizes general customer attribute data.

2. Install the app

You can find WenJuanXing from the DM Hub App Marketplace, click Install to add it to your accont. Once you've installed it, you can find it on your app list.

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3.New WenJuanXing Form

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4.Connect WenJuanXin to DM Hub

4.1Configure data push address

Copy the push address in the DM Hub to the input box of [Settings]-[Data Push]-[Push Address] of the WenJuanXing form.

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4.2Set Up the Form in DM Hub-WenJuanXing integration

Click in the DM Hub-WenJuanXing integration.

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  • Form Name:The name of the form in the DM Hub, which is not displayed to customers, but it is recommended to be consistent with the backend of the questionnaire star
  • Form ID:The form ID of WenJuanXing, You can find the ID as shown below::


  • JOSN definition:Click [View JSON Definition] to get the JSON content, and copy and paste it into the input box. Please confirm that the push address and form ID have been configured and are accurate.

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Copy and paste the JSON content into the input box.


Form type:choose how your data will sync between DM Hub and WenJuanXing

  • Type 1: synchronize WenJuanXing form directly. Visitors access the form and fill in the data through the url of WenJuanXing, and the data, including WeChat openid of the fill-in person , will be automatically sync to the DM Hub. In this way, it is recommended to set WeChat Sending to get the Openid of the followers of the Wechat official account and mapping with the customer data in DM Hub.

WeChat sending settings in WenJuanXing

1).Select [Get WeChat user's nickname, gender, etc. (login required)] under the WeChat sending settings of WenJuanXing.


2).Select [Collect through your own verified WeChat official account], then click "Please bind WeChat account first".


In the pop-up window, the WeChat account administrator needs to scan the code for authorization


  • Type 2:Synchronize while WenJuanXing form is embedded in DM Hub Wechat page. Visitors access the form and fill in the data through the DM Hub wechat page.

WeChat sending settings in WenJuanXing:

Do not select [Get WeChat user's nickname, gender, etc. (login required)] under the WeChat sending settings of WenJuanXing. Since the WenJuanXing form is embedded in the Wechat page, and the Wechat page will obtain the user's relevant WeChat information.


Set up WenJuanXing form in the DM Hub Wechat Page: select WenJuanXing module under Module-Other Modules and drag it into the drawing board, and click the Edit button on the left to set.

For other features and settings of the Wechat page, please refer to Wechat Page.(docs/guide/wechat_page)


Go to the WenJuanXing platform, click Copy Code under Send Questionnaire-Link and QR Code, to copy the code and paste the code into this input box.

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Only some types of fields of WenJuanXing are supported to be synchronized to the DM Hub such as name, mobile phone, colleges, provinces, cities, single-choice questions, drop-down boxes, and fill-in-the-blanks.


5.Form data

5.1Event Tracking

The event of submit WenJuanXing form will be recorded in the corresponding customers’ timeline in DM Hub When the user fills in and submits the WenJuanXing form. Event name: Submit JingShuJv form. Event attributes: form name, form id, serial number, ip address, province, city, district/county (can be parsed by the ip address);


In the Advanced Filter, customers can be filtered through this event query, and the event can also be utilized as a trigger condition for real-time marketing in Automatic Worlflow. For example, to filter users who submitted the WenJuanXing form this week, you can set the following conditions:


When setting the automatic flow trigger condition, please note that the form's name or ID can be directly selected in the drop-down box when there is at least one piece of submitted data of the form. Otherwise, the form's name or ID must be manually entered.


5.2Submit Data Statistics

Although the WenJuanXing form can be embedded in the Wechat Page, Submissions and the number of submitters of the form will not be counted on the wechat page. At present, in addition to data statistics and analysis through the advanced filter of the events of submitting the WenJuanXing form, you can also view the number of submitters in the form list of the WenJuanXing platform.
